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Although it technically is one, I don't think of this as a vegetarian. Eating healthfully is not about vegetarianism, veganism, or any other '-ism'. From a nutrition standpoint, the reason I don't like the terms vegetarian and vegan is that they are defined by what you don't eat. Too often I meet vegans who proudly tell me about their animal-free diet ... which seems to be composed primarily of French fries, fake meat and nondairy ice cream. That menu may be vegan, but it isn't particularly health-promoting. This is why I prefer the term whole-food, plant-based nutrition. The best available...

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There is no cuisine in the world that does not include a large array of soups. Western and Eastern cultures, African nations from primitive tribes to those with elaborate culinary repertoires and all Latin American countries have many favorite soups. But the countries with probably the largest soup repertoire and greatest popularity are those in Eastern Europe— Germany, Austria, Hungary, Poland and Russia. In Hungary, a meal is not a meal without soup and bread, just as a meal is not a meal without rice in Asia. Eastern European soups range from light to very robust. Mediterraneans favor lighter first-course,...

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